What is Reiki?
Reiki stands for 'Universal Life Energy'. I practice the Usui System of Reiki that originated in Japan.
'Heal' means to regain health or return to your original state of being. Reiki promotes the process of healing on a mental, physical and/or emotional level. Reiki is an infinitely flowing source of energy that can be applied at any time. Regardless of what situation or stage of life you're in: Reiki brings attention to what you need.
Everyone experiences Reiki differently and the effect is not always visible or comprehensible. That is why it is almost impossible to describe how Reiki works. But the opportunity to heal and grow lies in not knowing.
'Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity'
This quote by philosopher Simone Weil is a reminder that attention makes a difference in everything you do.
It's like having a passion for something or someone: it's a feeling you cannot explain with your mind. There is no guarantee for 'success' yet you still dare to follow that passion and give it a lot of attention. Everything you pay attention to grows; whether it's your health, a relationship or a job. Reiki is like a nourishing attention for you personally.
Reiki can help you listen to your intuition and make choices that are in your best interest. A solid foundation and balance is created within yourself from which you can experience happiness and joy of life. Reiki can also be applied for relaxation, as a way to re-charge your battery.
Reiki works in a subtle but powerful way.
A treatment takes 1 to 1,5 hours and simply means that you lie on a Reiki treatment table and I place my hands on your body according to a fixed pattern, on top of your clothing. The number of treatments and the frequency depend on the type of health issues you are experiencing and your own wishes. I am happy to advise you on this.
For chronic diseases and long-term health issues, I recommend starting with 4 treatments spread over 4 consecutive days. This is a kind of kick-start of your healing process and stimulates further healing.
I give treatments in The Hague and can treat at other locations if desired and possible.